The Speech & Signing Therapy Project
According to the World Health Organization, deafness is Mexico’s most prevalent disability. Three in every 1,000 babies are born with some degree of hearing loss. These numbers increase to six in 1,000 because people acquire it after birth, owing to diverse causes such as heredity, illness, accidents and certain medicines. The families of many deaf and hard-of-hearing children cannot afford even the most modest treatment/rehabilitation interventions.

Project Information
The Project
CANFRO engages the services of trained speech and sign language therapists to offer programs in the City of Oaxaca at CORAL Centro Oaxaqueño de Rehabilitación de Audición Lenguaje (The Oaxacan Center for the Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech). The rehabilitation programs incorporate auditory/verbal and total communication methods to stimulate speech and listening in children. To support their children, parents are also offered training in the Hearing and Language Education Program.
Mexican Sign Language (LSM) therapists train children and their parents in LSM in cases where the degree of hearing loss impedes spoken communication.
The Speech and Signing Therapy Project contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of impoverished deaf and hard of hearing children in Oaxaca and provide the possibility of a brighter future through the development of their speech and/or sign language abilities.
At CORAL, hearing and language therapy programs are offered for children up to 12 years of age. All therapy sessions are held in the company of the child’s mom or dad, so that parents can learn communication tools with their child. The Total Communication Method includes LSM classes, each lasting 45 minutes. Children aged 3-5 attend CORAL’s preschool program (3 hours a day, 5 days a week), in which therapists help the children develop language, cognition and motor skills.
Success Stories
CANFRO is proud to share real-life stories about the children and youth who benefit from this project and the dedicated staff at our partner agencies who support them. These illustrate the direct impact of your donations.
Project Manager
Please contact the CANFRO Coordinator at
Want To Help?
The salaries for the two part time Speech and Signing Therapists amount to $550 Canadian per month.