CANFRO is a not-for-profit volunteer organization incorporated in the Province of Ontario and registered as a charity with Canada Revenue Agency. We fund and implement a variety of projects in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. CANFRO remains neutral toward all political and religious organizations.
Our Mission
To relieve poverty, to advance education and to improve the health of children and young adults in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Our Vision
Children and young adults in Oaxaca will have the opportunity to live the kind of life they desire free from poverty, with good health and a good education.
Our Values
The CANFRO Board and volunteers strive to conduct our work in alignment with these Core Values.
CANFRO helps disadvantaged youth in Oaxaca live better lives through projects that:

Relieve Poverty
by providing food, shelter, clothing and other basic supplies.

Promote Health
by providing medical care.

Advance Education
for young people by ensuring access to schooling and support for achievement.
Success Stories
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A new Education Project for Girls story is out. Read about Deysi’s Story here.
You can make general inquiries to or contact any board member directly from the Board of Directors page of this website.
Follow our Facebook page for more announcements and news from Oaxaca.